105 Bay Village, Dabolim, Goa, INDIA 403726 +91 9805246888

Marine Hull Surveyor

About Us

BE(Mech),Marine Engineer, Marine Hull Surveyor , Freelance Marine Consultant , Govt Approved Chartered Valuer Marine Chartered Valuer Marine(Ships ,Boats of all types)Hull & Machinery, Marine Chartered Engineer (Marine)Ship & Boat of all types/Confederation Of Engineers (India), Chartered Engineer (Mechanical), Chartered Engineer(All Field Investigations), Chartered Valuer Plant & Machinery, Valuer Official Liquidator Ministry Of Corporate Affairs Govt of India, Valuer (Customs)Govt Of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Excise And Customs Commissioner of Customs Preventive (Disposal)Confiscated Goods, Local Commissioner /Mediator/Arbitrator Technical since 1994-1995.

We are independently associated with ship design Engineers / Naval Architects Archetype Fellow Of Royal Institute Of Naval Architects –LONDON, UK FRINA No. 00349115 Ship Design – Naval Architecture - Mechanical – Structural Design - Hull Optimization BOAT Manufacturing -Cruises - SAFTEY Sectors Specialized Super Techno craft Intnl Ships –Cruise Barges –Boats Designer And independently associated with MARINETECH – Ship Management and Surveying Services. Our panel of experts includes Master Mariners, Marine Engineers, Naval Architects. We have been awarded IRDA Survey License, by the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority of India (IRDA), which is the statutory body regulating the Insurance Industry in India, authorizing us to conduct Insurance Surveys .

We provide a wide range of services to Industries in general and the Insurance Industry in particular, which include: Loss Assessment, Risk Evaluation, Risk Management/ Minimization, Damage Surveys and Warranty Surveys for Underwriters as well as Third Parties, Towage Approval Surveys, Condition & Valuation Surveys and Pre-Purchase Inspection of Vessels, in addition to Surveys of Offshore & Onshore Installations and related activities. Entrusted with the Risk Evaluation and Asset Valuation of several large scale ventures such as Major Ports, Industrial and Power Projects etc., by National and International Re-Insurers and Underwriters, Financial Institutions and Statutory Bodies.

We specialize in the loss adjustment and claims management of major Marine Hull and Misc, Motor Insurance Claims, including catastrophic losses with particular expertise in arriving at and analyzing the Proximate Cause of Loss.

Rajesh Bhandari


105 Bay Village, Dabolim, Goa, INDIA 403726

Email : info@marinehullsurveyor.com

Website: www.marinehullsurveyor.com

Our Services

We offer comprehensive marine inspection services, including hull surveys, damage assessments, and condition evaluations. Our experienced team ensures accurate and reliable results.

Hull Surveys
Damage Assessments

Our hull surveys provide comprehensive evaluations of vessel conditions, while our damage assessments accurately determine the extent and cause of any damages.

Marine Consultancy

Hull & Machinery Survey Inspection

Surveys of vessels, offshore structures and fixed & floating objects

Hull & Machinery Insurance Surveys

Marine Warranty Surveys

Condition &Value Surveys

Warranty Survey & Certification

P&I Insurance

Re Insurance

Risk Assessment

Damage Surveys/ Damage appraisal & repairs

New Yacht Surveys

Insurance Pre Charter Inspection

Insurance Surveys for Loss Assessment Hull & Machinery Surveys

Pre-Purchase /Sale Inspections

Pre-entry Inspections

Bunker Surveys

Marine Valuation

Draft Surveys

Towing Certificates

Insurance Policies

Survey for charter purpose and conversion projects Verification,

Risk Valuation

On and off hire inspections

Sale and Purchase Inspection

Insurance Hull and machinery

Insurance Pre Charter Inspection

Insurance Surveys for Loss Assessment

Marine Risk Inspections including loss assessment

Insurance Valuation &Loss Minimization, Loss prevention

Partial loss, Total loss and constructive total loss surveys

Loss minimization surveys

Ship Condition / seaworthiness surveys for P&I clubs and under writers &

Owners/ charterers.

Complete suite of services for Marine Hull and Claims Settlement.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

We are privileged to carry out surveys and inspections on behalf of our

valuable clients:

Vessel owners

Container lessors/ lessees

Hull & machinery underwriters

Cargo underwriters

Machinery manufacturers


Classification Societies

Shipping Agencies

P & I Clubs

Cargo Consignors/ Consignees(In Association)



Licensing , Accreditation and Membership

Govt Of India Approved

Chartered Engineer Certification Marine (Ce)

Confederation of Engineers (India)

Professional and reliable service. Highly recommended.


Great experience working with Marine Inspections. Thorough and detailed reports.

Prompt response and excellent communication throughout the inspection process.

Contact Us

Inquire or schedule inspection, complete form below